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Saitek Throttle Quadrant Problem


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Hi all. I have had this problem since I have had this Pro Flight system. I can never get the flaps, on my X axis rotational and my spoilers on my Y rotational axis. Now I have fiddled around and sometimes I got it working somewhat but then for some reason or another the setting is lost and I can't seem to get it back... I don't know if there is a conflict issue within the yoke button/key settings and the yoke control axis settings...although I can't see one. Thing is there is no Throttle Quadrant settings list area. That is how it's been since I got this set up years ago. I saw someone actually having an area where you could do the Quadrant settings but I believe it's all included in the yoke settings department. I don't know how I can do it and then I can ...even if I set it the same. Can someone send me a screen shot or directions. I see that the x, y rotational axis are in the yoke control axis settings pane and they don't seem to work...What the heck !!!!! Any help would be much appreciated... I use FSX X Acceleration and on 64 bit with Saitek Proflight Yoke,pedals and quardrant...Thanks for the future help...Dave


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