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AI Traffic Conflict Query


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Hi there,


I am having a problem with AI Aircraft, many AI Airlines I have installed, have AI Aircraft departing at the same time as others in the same Airline to different destinations. So if they are parked next to each other at an Airport. And they push back at the same time, one usually taxi's through the other. What I have had to do many times recently, is alter the Flightplan for the AI Aircraft, so they are departing several minutes apart from each other, to prevent the problem. I usually do up to 30 minutes difference. Although there are that many AI Airlines I have installed, that have the departure times the same. That it is getting quite tedious to edit each Flightplan in question. Is it possible to use the program AI Separation ( Ground Option), to prevent them taxying through one another, or at least reduce the possibility from that happening ? And if it is possible what settings and values should I use ? Any help and information what be much appreciated.

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I've seen them stop to allow the other to go and as you say sometimes they go through each other.

I've done as you and altered flight plans but I agree it can be a daunting task at some airports.

I have on occasion changed some of the airports in the flight plan to another one that isn't too far away to help spread the load, it isn't real world but I like a bit of fiction anyway lol.

In some cases a certain airline can tend to dominate an airport, all you tend to see is that airline parked almost everywhere, so I change the % on some of them to a higher one so they don't show.

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So the AI Engine in FS2004 is such, that AI Aircraft when they pushback at the same time next to one another or opposite each other at an Airport etc, cannot be made not to taxi through one another ? Even by using as I said the AI Separation program Ground rather than Airborne Setting and specific values there, or using any other freeware AI Traffic program for FS2004 ? Many thanks for your replies guys ))
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