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words turning blue in posts (automatically). - me not happy with it.


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Some words, when typed in a post, turn into "blue links".


For exmample: pmdg

It becomes a link to the pilotshop I think.


But today I noticed the same happens with the words:





Is there a way to switch this off?


I tried by selecting: "don't parse links in text" but that didn't doo anything.


I don't really mind the links/advertising effect.

But the thing is, the blue colour makes it seem like I ment to emphasize those words.


That really goes at the expense of the readability of the text.

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If you have clicked on the "blue" words, they tend to go to Wikis. Have you noticed any delays going between threads or forums? It sure ain't faster or better on my end!:( Not to mention I still can't use the screenshot inserter as before!

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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When I click PMDG I end up at the Pilotshop.


Probably part of advertising. Helps keep site Free, and that's a good thing.

Was never worried about that.


But seeing it today with words like scenery and addons was a surprise. It messed up the momentum of the text I posted. Made it hard to read. (Not to mention many posts made about these subjects in the past.)


Asking for a way to avoid the words turning to blue links is probably futile, I realise that. (Advertising). But had to ask.;)

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