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Landing Rate (-feet/minute) Tracker?


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Is there an add-on I can get that will show me my landing rate? A VA I belong to has that as part of their ACARS system. I would like to have one that I could use to see my landing rates without going into the ACARS.





Bill Mattson


Airspeed, altitude and ideas, bad to run out of all three at the same time

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I use LRM (The link he gave you) all the time. Instead of having to look for the application, it gives you a green notification bar like the one you get when you open a door. Also tell you touchdown speed (knots), wind speed and direction plus pitch and back. You will need to install FSUIPC, but you probably already have that installed for your ACARS to work.



Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.




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