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I know that i am asking for something extremely difficult but i have tried tweaking my cfg and i can never get it to work right, its so frustrating!!! I have just purchased the TFDI B717 and would really like to fly it with the best possible settings. Is there anyone in this wonderful community that could maybr tell me which tweaks to use for my pc specs????


ASUS MD11AD i5-444os @2.8GHZ 12GB RAM nvidia geforce gt620.


Any help would be brilliant

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The only changes that I recommend that require manual editing are to change the "TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT" in the [Display] section to =160 and adding "ForceFullScreenVSync=1" to the [Graphics] section. The first seems to make the ground objects move more smoothly when viewed from about 1500 feet AGL and waggling the wings. The second prevents horizontal tearing of vertical objects when panning horizontally.

Most changes are accomplished by changing the display settings using the sliders and the various check boxes. I would ignore any suggested changes unless accompanied by instructions on how to assess their impact.

I often see recommended changes but have never received a response when I've asked under what conditions the changes can be evaluated.

Jim F.

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I know that i am asking for something extremely difficult but i have tried tweaking my cfg and i can never get it to work right, its so frustrating!!! I have just purchased the TFDI B717 and would really like to fly it with the best possible settings. Is there anyone in this wonderful community that could maybr tell me which tweaks to use for my pc specs????


ASUS MD11AD i5-444os @2.8GHZ 12GB RAM nvidia geforce gt620.


Any help would be brilliant


With those specs and on that system I would avoid ALL tweaks.


Instead post a core complex explanation in the FSX forum and see what can be done. "I can never get it to work right" is about as much use as a fart in a spacesuit. You need to define full system specs. OS, what actual version of the sim you are using (guessing FSX-SE, but guessing is about as much use as a chocolate teapot) what hardware you are using and any and all addons you have installed in the sim.


Then spend some time defining what isn't working, what the symptoms are, what you have already tried and what the results were.

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