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FS2004 Eaglesoft Citation X MoD Pack. The virtual cabin passenger window tint was made 30% lighter so you can see more clearly out the windows. Added an A/P set gauge above the EICAS gauge in the virtual cockpit to allow for an easier selection of course, heading and altitude. Added a checklist HTM file for use with the in-game kneeboard. The checklist was created from Werner Schott's PDF version. Added a Reference HTM file for use with the in-game kneeboard. Performance specs and operational info from the manual are included here. Also added an image depicting the autopilot buttons layout for those of you that can't read the button text in the vc. Modified the pilot's viewpoint in the virtual cockpit to be more centered according to the chair and raised the view forward and up a bit for proper positioning and viewing. Supplied Active Camera view presets so you can easily access all the panels/switches in the virtual cockpit; as well as the virtual passenger and passenger wing-view in the virtual cabin. By Anastasio Alexiou.

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