About This File
FS2002 Ilyushin IL-2 Stormovik ground attacker with guns. Stormovik was referred to also as Sturmovik, while the Russian word Shturmovik applied to all ground attack aircraft and roughly translating as "stormer". IL-2 was a then innovative aircraft by Sergei Ilyushin for ground attack and was feared as Schwarz Tod (Black Death) by German soldiers on the Eastern Front early in WWII. The ideal combination of firepower, armor and decent performance made it a flying tank virtually. Its total production over 35,000 exceeds that for any other aircraft in the history. This model, with ailerons, flaps, elevators, landing gears, landing gear bay doors, rudder and rotating propellers in smooth animation, is depicted as Stormovik in matte dark green, medium green and dark earth 3-tone camouflage upper scheme with sky gray under surface. By Shigeru Tanaka.