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FS98/FS2000 Aeroflot Ilyushin IL-96-300

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FS98/FS2000 Aeroflot Ilyushin IL-96-300, registration RA-96011. A fully animated Ilyshin IL-96-300, that features flaps, landing gear, spoiler, and landing lights (for FS98). 12 sides fuselage and engines, 10 sides wheels. Development of Russia's second widebody airliner. Approximately 15 IL-96-300 have been build of which six are in service with Aeroflot and three with Domodedovo Civil Aviation Enterprise and others in Russian goverment service including one used as a presidential transport. Similar in apareance to IL-86, it is a completly new design that features the newest powerful and quieter Advigatel PS-90 engines, a larger wing span, fly by wire control sistems and state of the art avionics. By Oscar Nava.

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