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CFS2/FS2002 Northrop A-17A

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CFS2/FS2002 Northrop A-17A attack bomber. This attack aircraft was Northrop's first entry into the military market. The 1936 aircraft was an export success but was never used in combat by the U.S. Army. The A-17A was an improved version of the A-17. The most notable change was the addition of retractable landing gear. On the A-17A, the landing gear retracted inward into basic wheel wells. The model illustrates two variants flown by the 13th bomber squdron, the "Grim Reapers". They flew the A17 variants from 1937 to early 1941. New Mdl, Air, Dp and textures by A.F. Scrub. (See also A-17_FIX.ZIP)

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