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FS2000 Boeing B-17F All American

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FS2000 Boeing B-17 F All American. The B17 Flying Fortress "All American" is the subject of one of the most reproduced photographs of the air war of WW2. The plane after completing a mission over Tunsia was attacked by an Me-109, whose pilot was probably killed. Out of control, the 109 sliced into the aft section of the fuselage right behind the side gunners door taking away the left elevator. Pilot Kenneth R. Bragg had an hour and a half of flying to do before he could attempt to land the ship at Biskra. The All American was of the 414th Squadron, 97th Bomb Group. Built with AD2000v2.0 by Herve Devred - Michel Melchior A.C.T. publishing. B17F repaint contest candidate. Repainted by Douglas McNally.

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