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FSX/P3D Air Canada Airbus A320-200 1.0.0

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7 Screenshots

About This File

This is a repaint for the amazing Project Airbus A320-200. It includes the base model, high-quality textures, and a VC.


Air Canada currently has 18 Airbus A320-200s under it's mainline fleet, and 6 more under Air Canada Jetz, making it the most common variant of the A320 family the company flies. As of this release, C-FKPT flies under Air Canada's "Jetz" brand. Air Canada maintains a fleet of all-business-class aircraft for chartering groups such as major sports teams (Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors, etc.), high-profile individuals, and government officials under its Jetz brand. The exact variant of this aircraft is an Airbus A320-211 which is outfitted with CFM56-5A1 engines. It flies the FIN number of 225.


- Base Model Airbus A320-200 aircraft by Project Airbus
- Textures for Air Canada livery.
    - Air Canada Airbus A320-200 C-FKPT
- Full working VC

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