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FS2004/FSX/P3D Generic GCA Gauge V2

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FS2004/FSX/P3D Generic GCA Gauge V2. This V2 package contains a custom autopilot and two GCA (Ground Controlled Approach) gauges: Approach Pattern Control (APC) and Precision Approach Radar (PAR). You can request Pattern Control from 20 to 30 miles out, and the Approach Controller will set you up for a downwind, dogleg, or straight-in approach, leading to an intercept point from which to start the final descent. At the intercept point, the PAR Controller will take over and talk you down until over the runway. The GCA processes can be run in auto or in manual mode, allowing various realism challenges. The project is highly indebted to Karol Chlebowski's AILA (Airborne Instrument Landing Approach) gauge, adapted by permission of the author, and Doug Dawson's sound DLL gauge. FS9-specific modifications by Tom Gibson, historical research by Tom Harnish, GCA gauges and manual by Manfred Jahn. (Previous version had 557 downloads)


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