About This File
FS2004 North Coast Air Services Bristol 170, c/n 13074. To Air Lingus in December 1952 as EI-AFS and named "St Senan". To Jersey Airlines in January 1957 as G-AMLL. To Dan Air in July 1959. To Handley Page in February 1963. Leased to Air Ferry from March 1965 to December 1965. Used mainly for the export of live sheep to Ostend. To North Coast Air Services in Canada in May 1966 as CF-UME. In 1970 one wheel went through the ice of Baker Lake in the Yukon. The aircraft could not be salvaged and sank to the bottom of the lake. Prior installation of the Bristol 170 Freighter by Mike Stone (SB170.ZIP) is required. Repaint by Andre Reimers.