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Chili beans and elevators.



Why would I need a blog?


Who, in their right mind, would be interested in anything I might say?


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I like people with complex personalities. The title of your blog entry suggests you may be such a person, as does the question you posed.


I think that the most insigtful answer to your question has to be "because".

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You know, guys, many people would be interested in what you might have to say.


All we're doing is having conversations in public. The only difference between this and talking in an airport lounge is that, because everything's in writing, we can't pretend later that we didn't say what we actually did say.


So you must have friends, and you must enjoy talking with your friends, yet you don't question why they would want to chat with you.


Same deal here. In the immortal words of comedienne Joan Rivers, Can we talk?

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Online conversations generally tend to be somewhat like conversations you might have with people on a very long train journey or similar. You chat about stuff in general, but rarely about stuff of any great meaning or import to you.


On another forum I inhabit however, this is not entirely the case. Some people know each other personally and I have been there for many years so I know a few of them fairly well.


On this forum, I'm new, everyone is a stranger and I don't assume anyone is going to be especially interested in anything I might say, at least until I've been around for a while and people have had a chance to determine if my comments might have any value.


On top of this, I tend not to take terribly seriously anything I read on the internet! :)

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Obviously it's up to you to decide when you've become part of the scenery here. As for me, at a new site I basically plunge right in. This ticks some people off, but peoples' memories are short and sooner or later they get over it.


I tend to write about things that i DO feel strongly about. Otherwise why write? On the other hand ...


I do three kinds of posts. The first is the usual here's-my-view post. The second is the usual what's-your-opinion post. These are the kinds of conversations that you and I, and that others and you, could have here in this distant corner of the site if you wanted to. Such conversations might or might not be profound. Yes, there are other sites and forums where non-trivial discussions happen all the time. (The way The Yard over at Train-Sim used to be.)


The third kind of post that I make is when I'm really talking to myself. It's fun if somebody chimes in with observations of their own, as skylab does when I post about music. In the past I've felt free to write about any topic I wanted to in the various forums that have been created here at FlightSim at my request. So, for example, I had a set of interviews going in the temporarily suspended FS Open Components forum. The interviews had nothing to do with the issue of Open Components (my term for the FS equivalent of Open Source), they were simply interviews of people I thought would make particularly interesting interview subjects. But as I say, I can do an interesting interview with anybody on the planet. All I have to do is to get people to tell me things I didn't know.


But these blogs are the first time that I've felt truly comfortable doing this. It's only now, with the advent of blogs here, that I know this kind of thing has webmaster Nels Anderson's full approval.


So I hope you'll open up, Bob. As I said in my initial comment to your opening post, I like people with complex personalities. Only a person with a complex personality could ask the world "Why on earth would anybody be interested in anything I have to say?" :)


It's like the comedian who calls himself Red Green. I would love to spend an evening with him because he obviously has a "bent" mind, just as I do, and just as I suspect that you do too ... ...


... Hm-m-m-m. I'm reminded of some wonderful song lyrics ...


Do do that voodoo

That you do

So well.




(You see? Celtic Writing Genes at work. :))

Edited by xxmikexx
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