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Please help FSLabs Concorde plans and FSC9


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Tried to make the title short, but what I need is FSLabs Concorde's flightplans (provided in PDFs) in .pln format so I could load it into FSCommander. There are INS plan cards which are loaded directly into Concorde's INSes, but I don't know how to have all this business viewed by FSCommander.


Second option to solution, is to enter the plan waypoint by waypoint into FSCommander (off the FSLab's plan files), and I don't know how, FSCommander doesn't give me an option to type my own waypoint into the plan.

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Concorde uses the CIVA INS system. You will find the data cards as simple text files named "*.awc" and "*.adc" in the directory "\Civa\ADEU". If you know your way around a programming language, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to convert them into .pln XML files (the user would have to provide additional data for departure and arrival airport, plus the altitudes at the waypoints, but by and large it should work).


Btw., there is a converter program "Conv2ADEU" which does the opposite of what you want (= it converts flightplans into INS cards).

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No, I need it the other way: convert ins cards into the FSComander plan format, whatever that is. My goal is to see the INS plan in FSCommander, because right now I am going blind, all I have is the distance to waypoint as displayed on the INS. I'm sure the pilots had maps too ))) besides the readings on the INS.
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