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Flight plans attached to missions


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Hi , Everytime I want to start a downloded mission a pop up says no flight plans (the flight you are trying to open is missing an associated flight plan file. The flight will be loaded without a flight plan. C/documents and settings./ my documents/flight simulator x files / JFR Glascow to Belfast.

How do I get the computer to load both at the sametime.

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The problem you're having is very common. Either the PLN file was not included with the rest of the mission files or is incorrectly referenced in the FLT.

If the PLN is in the folder open the FLT and go to:





and enter just the PLN name after Filename= and all should be well. If there's no PLN it is generally more trouble than it's worth to create one yourself and add it to the mission, though it is possible.

Jim F.

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